Innisfree Duo

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Why is there a premium above the individual bid price for En Bloc parcels?

Last updated on June 10, 2024

PLEASE NOTE: Not all sales have an ‘en bloc’. Please review the particulars of each sale for clarity.

At our intent was to design a platform to engage large players to bid but, in doing so, be fair to the smaller bidder wishing to buy just one or two parcels. With that, we have set the bar high for the larger pla yers to outbid the individual high bidders, in order to buy the entire farm or ranch.

In building the platform, smaller players told us they didn’t think it fair that a larger player could buy the entire farm or ranch for just a fraction above the sum of the prior individual bids, and we agreed. Hence the rationale behind the ‘premium to play’ for the En Bloc bidding. If a larger player wants the entire farm or ranch they must be willing to pay a significant sum above what all individual bidders were willing to pay in the first round of bidding.

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