Parcel Description
Parcel 1 comes with an older farmhouse, a detached, heated garage, a barn, storage buildings, granaries, corrals, power, natural gas, and a water well; underground water lines run to some of the corrals. With a total of 155 acres, there are currently approximately 105 acres under cultivation, with the potential to add more. The balance of the Parcel is made up of yard and pasture. After purchasing Parcel 1, do the math on subdividing the mature farmstead and selling it off, and even your banker may crack a smile.
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Innisfree Duo is being offered for sale via online escalating tender by CLHbid.com. Check the website for updates from time to time. The property may be viewed by interested registered bidders. Please contact us by email at info@clhbid.com for an appointment. As a law firm, CLHbid never discloses bidder's names to any party, including the Seller. Only the successful buyer's name is ever disclosed to the Seller as part of the closing process.