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Parcel 1 - Cartwright Four

Sold on February 21, 2023
from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM UTC

Cartwright Four Contentful 7
1 / 7
Next Parcel

$1,020,000 Final

for 320 Acres near Cartwright, MB

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Legal Land Descriptions

W 1/2 9-1-14-WPM320 Acres

Parcel Description

As an estate sale with aggregate Starting Bids set low in relation to assessed values, ‘Cartwright Four’ is priced to sell. PARCEL 1 is being sold as the complete half section, just as it is farmed. PARCELS 2 and 3 are being sold as individual quarters. With minimal drainage work and tender loving care, this land assemblage will likely reward its new owner with a significant lift in very short order. ‘Cartwright Four’ is just one mile north of the US border, and with Highways 3 and 5 nearby, this is land that will produce bumper crops and allow for their ease of delivery to major markets. Your agrologist will tell you that it will cost the same to fertilize marginal land as it will cost to fertilize highly rated land on the Manitoba soil map. Your accountant will tell you which land will add to your bottom line.

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Cartwright Four is being offered for sale via online escalating tender by CLHbid.com. Check the website for updates from time to time. The property may be viewed by interested registered bidders. Please contact us by email at info@clhbid.com for an appointment. As a law firm, CLHbid never discloses bidder's names to any party, including the Seller. Only the successful buyer's name is ever disclosed to the Seller as part of the closing process.

Available Parcels

Parcel Name Parcel 1
Parcel Size320 Acres
Final $1,020,000
Parcel Name Parcel 2
Parcel Size160 Acres
Final $540,000
Parcel Name Parcel 3
Parcel Size160 Acres
Final $540,000