Parcel Description
Parcel 1 will become approximately 111 acres, with approximately 70 cultivated acres of high-quality farmland that were in wheat in 2023. In addition, Parcel 1 includes a renovated bungalow with a two-car detached garage, a 50' x 80' Zipperlock shop, and several outbuildings. An unregistered subdivision of approximately 10 acres will be approved at the time of the sale. This excellent yard site includes a mature shelter belt and a panoramic view of the exquisite Burnt River Valley. The buyer of Parcel 1 will have the option of registering the Subdivision Plan for the acreage and then either selling off the acreage for a profit or retaining ownership with two titles. The Purchase Price includes the 2024 crop of approximately 70 ± Acres (which includes spraying, ai glyphosate, being seeded to canola, and a fertilizer blend [100-30-0-25]). On the Possession Date, the Purchaser will assume all responsibility for the crop.
Contact CLHbid
Burnt River Meadows is being offered for sale via online escalating tender by CLHbid.com. Check the website for updates from time to time. The property may be viewed by interested registered bidders. Please contact us by email at info@clhbid.com for an appointment. As a law firm, CLHbid never discloses bidder's names to any party, including the Seller. Only the successful buyer's name is ever disclosed to the Seller as part of the closing process.