Parcel Description
PARCEL 2 is comprised of 799 acres and runs a full 2.5 miles east to west. With fences in order, Parcel 2 is a perfect land base for the rancher requiring pasture: drop the cows off and let the grass of McCord take care of the herd. Located just 2 hours and 12 minutes from the Moose Jaw Auction Mart, Parcels 1 and 2 are contiguous and are comprised of ten quarters in total. As ranchers can attest, good, hard, prairie grass puts pounds on cattle, and putting wheels under cattle to ‘12 To Bank On’ is ideal given the size of the land base. With the pasture available for the 2023 grazing season, the new owner can bid with confidence knowing there will be an immediate lift to their bottom line.
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12 To Bank On is being offered for sale via online escalating tender by CLHbid.com. Check the website for updates from time to time. The property may be viewed by interested registered bidders. Please contact us by email at info@clhbid.com for an appointment. As a law firm, CLHbid never discloses bidder's names to any party, including the Seller. Only the successful buyer's name is ever disclosed to the Seller as part of the closing process.